Leadership Team
Our leadership team recognizes the authority of God, and realizes that we are shepherds who serve under the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. We desire to devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. Our passion and goal is to equip the believers for the work of the ministry until we all attain maturity in the fullness of Christ.

Terry Campbell, Senior Pastor
Hello, I am Brother Terry Campbell, Pastor at Giles Creek Baptist Church. We extend a loving and warm invitation to you and your family to come visit us. We believe that the Word of God is inerrant, infallible, and is indeed Holy. Our hearts’ desire, through our Lord’s leadership, is to become a lighthouse in our community. We teach and preach the Holy Word of God.
We invite you to come join us, hand in hand in this endeavor for the furtherance of the kingdom of Christ.
Firmly in His grip,
Bro. Terry L. Campbell
Pastor, Giles Creek Baptist Church
Bro. Terry L. Campbell
Pastor, Giles Creek Baptist Church

Terry Frazier, Associate/Youth Pastor
with his wife Diane
Hello! I’m Pastor Terry Frazier and I am the Associate/Youth Pastor at Giles Creek Baptist Church. I am from Washington State, and I moved here from Alaska in 1985. I have been a Pastor for over 20 years. My wife Diane and I have been married since 1988, and we have twin sons, Brian and Jason, and one beautiful Granddaughter. We are both passionate about teaching and equipping our youth group. Jesus Christ is at the center of all that we do. I’m an avid fisherman; I love sports and I’m a long time Seattle Seahawks fan. I also love the Vols. We are both very committed to our relationship with Christ and we love to serve Him! Come join us here at Giles Creek Baptist Church.
Terry Frazier
Associate/Youth Pastor,
Giles Creek Baptist Church

Jeff Thompson, Worship Leader
Our worship leader is Jeffrey Thompson. He is a 1989 graduate of Liberty University and has been with Giles Creek since 2014. Jeff grew up in a pastor’s home and has a long standing love and appreciation for various genres of Christian music. He thoroughly enjoys developing and leading the music ministry at Giles Creek. Jeff currently serves as a 7th grade teacher at Thurgood Marshall Middle School for his full time employment. He and his wife (Teresa) sing with the GCBC choir and occasionally do special music presentations.
Jeff Thompson,
Worship Leader,
Giles Creek Baptist Church