Sunday Morning Life Groups (Sunday School)
Sunday School Director

Roy Rossignol
We want to extend a warm welcome and a invitation to you and your family to join us during our Sunday School time each and every Sunday at 9AM.
We here at Giles Creek are blessed to have a group of Spiritually gifted Teachers that would love the opportunity to assist you grow in your walk with Our Lord.
Please come and find a class that fits your needs.
Nursery (Birth – PreK)

Teacher – Connie Campbell
Our desire is to live out God’s love by providing a safe and loving environment for your little ones. We welcome them with open arms into a place that loves them unconditionally. We strive to set up foundation learning that enables them to grow up accepting God’s love and knowing how to share that love with others. We encourage free play with creativity, variety and fun.
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

Teacher – Amber Givens
We strive to teach our young children about the LORD and all His ways, from Creation to Salvation to Revelation. We welcome all young children to learn and grow in the Lord.
4th – 6th Grade

Teacher – Sue Price
The 4th-6th grades are truly a critical time in the life of our children. As they prepare to enter the teenage years, it is so important for each of them to be firmly grounded in God’s Word. In our class, we focus on ensuring our students know God, know the Bible, and know how to apply it to their daily lives. We have fun reading and studying about how God worked in the lives of the heroes of the Bible, and how that same God can work in their lives too. Our goal is to train young disciples of Christ who are prepared to make a difference in the world around them as they face the pressures of the years ahead. We extend a warm invitation to all 4th-6th graders to come and be a part of this journey!
Youth (7th – 12th Grade)

Teachers – Terry and Diane Frazier
Our goal is to guide our students through Bible Study and discipleship toward transformation that will not only help them grow in Christ but will impact the world around them. If you are looking for a youth group where you will be welcome, please come check us out!
Young Adults

Teachers – Dwayne & Scarlet Seiber
Meeting in the Young Adult classroom, near the end of the hallway to the left of the sanctuary is our Young Adult class built for young adults ages 20-35. The study material is a PowerPoint based series called The Black Letters of Jesus. Many studies focus on Jesus’ words—the red letters of Scripture, but what would it look like if we focused on His actions—the black letters? The Black Letters of Jesus is a yearlong curriculum (52 lessons) in which we’ll examine the things Jesus did while he was here on Earth. By focusing on His actions, we will grow a deeper understanding of what it means to follow Him every day.
Ladies Class

Teacher – Karen Waddell
PURPOSE FILLED WOMEN is a Sunday morning Bible study for women of all ages. As a group, we believe we are called to learn and grow in our walk with Christ, serve his church, and serve others. You will also find this is a place of friendship and support.
Digging Deeper

Teacher – Jeff Thompson
Digging Deeper is a diverse, inclusive, relational class that endeavors to encourage its members by spending time in specific prayer and praise, thoughtful Bible study, and collaborative Biblical application and/or insights. Presently, the class is studying Bible characters as presented in the text “They Walked With God” in conjunction with parallel Bible passages. Deliberate care is made to facilitate and foster deeper dialogue around the nuggets of truth mined in these character studies. All are welcome who wish to delve deeper in their walk with God and find fellowship with fellow classmates in the process.
Pastor’s Class

Teacher – Bro Terry Campbell
Come and join our class for a time of discovery in the Word of God. Our time together is Bible centered with intention to leading a multi-generational group to owning and living out their faith in Jesus Christ. We have a very welcoming atmosphere where open and honest discussion takes place to help us live out the mandate Christians have in order to obtain victory over the challenges we face the 21st century.
Young at Heart
Senior Saints

Teacher – Jean Q Hargrove
God is our leader. I am a partner with Him. We use a study guide from LifeWay, “Bible studies for Life”. God speaks to each of us in different ways through His word and we share that. We learn from His word and each other. If you are a Senior, but still “Young at Heart”, come and learn with us!