Music Ministry
The Worship & Music Ministry of Giles Creek Baptist Church exists to help members and guests give honor and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ in spirit and truth. We believe this is an awesome privilege and responsibility of every believer as they fulfill one of the purposes God has for their lives. Our desire is for the Lord to be magnified and praised in our services through passionate use of gifts, singing of songs, verbal testimony, prayer, preaching, and reading of Scripture. Musical selections lean more towards traditional hymns, with a sprinkling of choruses and contemporary songs throughout the services. We invite you to come and worship with us.

Choir Ministry
The church choir is an important part of the worship ministry at Giles Creek. At this time, the choir is open to committed people of all ages that want to honor the Lord singing melody and harmonies for musical selections in our services. Our desire is that committed choir members will desire to be well rehearsed for their presentations. Therefore, weekly choir practice attendance is strongly encouraged each Sunday at 5:00 PM. We welcome anyone who wants to commit to serve the Lord in this ministry with musical abilities.

Instrument Ministry
We believe musical instruments are to be used to help lead in worship. Instrumentalists are encouraged to practice regularly with the worship leader. Currently we have several pianists that share instrumentals for offertory specials. We would welcome anyone who wants to commit to serve the Lord with their instrumental abilities in this ministry. Please contact the worship leader if you wish to participate in this capacity.
Special Music Ministry
This ministry is a weekly part of the worship ministry at Giles Creek. Our desire is that members and guests with musical gifts are scheduled to sing and/or play for our Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday evening services. Participants are asked to prepare themselves honorably for their presentations of special music. Presentations include solos, duets, quartets, ensembles, and the GCBC Choir. A yearly special music calendar is prepared to encourage adequate time for preparation. Please contact the worship leader if you wish to participate in this ministry opportunity.

Choir Member Anthems
Click here to access our password protected Choir site.